Due: (strict deadline) Thursday, March 7th 2013 by 9:59 pm.

COMPETITION: The Group with the best performing code will be awarded a Grand Prize!!


For this assignment, you will optimize a routine to multiply two double-precision square matrices. As discussed in class, the naive implementation is short, sweet, and horrifyingly slow. A naive blocked code is only marginally better. You will need to use what you have learned about tuning to get your code to run as fast as possible on a single core on one node of the TACC Stampede supercomputer.

We provide:


Your function must have the following signature:

void square_dgemm(unsigned M, const double* A, const double* B,
                  double* C);

The three arrays should be interpreted as matrices in column-major order with leading dimension M. The operation implemented will actually be a multiply-add:

C := C + A*B

The necessary files are in PA3.tar

Included are:

We will be testing on the compute node on the Stampede. Each node has 2 octal-core chips, but you will only be using a single core for this assignment.

Instructions on Stempede

Use the follwing command to include MKL in the PATH: export MKLROOT=/opt/apps/intel/13/composer_xe_2013.1.117/mkl


Your group should submit your dgemm.c, your Makefile (which should include any overrides to the default Makefile.in so that we can see compiler optimizations) and a write-up. Your write-up should contain:

To document the effect of your optimizations, include a graph comparing your code with basic_dgemm.c. Your explanations should rely heavily on your knowledge of the memory hierarchy (benchmark graphs help).

General strategy

Roughly speaking, a fast matrix multiplication routine will likely have two ingredients: a fast "kernel" capable of multiplying small matrices quickly, and then routines that use the kernel in a cache-friendly way to multiply larger matrices. One way to approach the assignment is top-down: sketch out the kernel first, and make sure you understand the global structure of the calls you want to set up, then start tuning parameters. Another way is bottom-up: build a fast kernel, play with parameters until you're happy with it; then build a matrix multiply for small-ish matrices (things that fit in L1 cache) out of the kernel, and play with parameters until happy; and then repeat for the L2 (and maybe L3) cache. I strongly recommend the second path, if only for the sake of sanity while debugging! It's easier to focus on getting a small thing right first than to try to get it all right on the first try.

Where arrays live in C

There are different types of places where variables can live in memory:

In a lot of day-to-day stuff, we use the stack for almost everything. But the stack is a finite resource! If you start allocating large arrays on the stack, you will very quickly have a stack overflow (and a program crash). This is probably not what you want, so I suggest using the following strategy if you want a little side buffer for copy optimization:

void my_function(...) 
    /* static means that this goes in the global segment 
     * (only one copy -- not thread safe!), and the alignment 
     * attribute is helpful if you're going to use my_space 
     * with SSE stuff.
    static double my_space[BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE] 

You can also dynamically allocate space on the heap -- but you won't want to do that anywhere near an inner loop!

Timing woes

Timing on SMP Linux systems is a pain for two reasons:

  1. The real time clock measures total time for a run, including time given to other processes.
  2. The per-CPU clocks may differ, so that if your process gets scheduled on multiple processors, your timing gets goofy.

The code I have given you should usually work, but a more reliable way may be to define CLOCK as CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID in timing.c and to use taskset to ensure that your process is pinned to a single physical processor: i.e. use taskset -c 0 ./matmul (or change $1 >> timing.raw to taskset -c 0 $1 >> timing.raw in make_sge.sh.

Competition notes:

We will care about matrix multiply in the range of problems starting with those that do not fit in L2 to those which do not fit in L3. The exact sizes will not be given, but do expect that some tests will be on odd sized matrixes. We will also check very small matrix sizes as well. You may need two versions of the code one for smaller matrix sizes and one of bigger matrix sizes. All matrices will be square. We will test on TACC Stampede.
You are free to use any vector intrinsics available. You are free to prefetch.
We will compile the code with gcc -O3.

Further Resources